Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Saturday show on my own went well :)

This time, Mom and Dad were at a gun shoot in Wall so I went by myself and I didn't have their garage-sale-ish items to boost my table traffic like usual.  It was an absolutely gorgeous day, 75 degrees and sunny with a slight breeze, and I tucked my table up on the west side of the building so I got as much morning shade as I could.  I borrowed one of Mom's straw hats and a can of spray sunscreen because I didn't have any of my own.  That was a mistake... I'm horrible with spray sunscreen on myself and I missed a large chunk on my arm that's still red, days later.  Sigh.

I made 2 sales to strangers, which is an improvement in that the other sales were mostly to one of Mom's friends, and handed out several business cards to people that seemed genuinely interested in what I could build custom for them.  Time will tell on that one, but it's nice that I was able to get a couple pure sales from people I don't know.  I also got an order that day for an anklet from someone I barely know from work, which I need to go work on when I'm done writing, then the next day an order for earrings to match a hemp necklace I made as a gift for my masseuse (who was also my best friend in elementary school, otherwise I wouldn't have a masseuse! lol!).  I have some work to do tonight, that's for sure, but neither of them should take terribly long.

I got to chat quite a bit with the other vendors that were there, which was nice.  One is a professional jeweler in town who does metalsmithing with Black Hills Gold (characterized by the grape-and-leaf patterns that make up most of the designs, colored to be pink and green - it's fairly widely available, but not everyone knows about it), casting, and wire wrapping, among other fancy things.  I won't get into much of that, I'll leave it to her since I don't plan on investing in the equipment, but I think she and I could work out a mutually beneficial arrangement somehow.  Maybe, we'll see. I'm not sure what I could do to benefit her, but she took one of my cards so we'll see if there's something I can help her with.

I finished my first crochet project!  Pictures to come, I just don't want to spoil the surprise!

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